Monday, August 10, 2009

Even 20/10 still isnt perfect vision

So normally, we would set an appointment for the optometrist to go get our eyes examined. The doc will then tell us if we need glasses or contacts for near or far vision. Or sometimes when we're there to get a routine check up, we learn that we now need a stronger or lighter prescription than we had the previous visit. Today, I want to see if you all can go on a journey with me and be your own optometrist and diagnose yourself. This time it wont be for typical eyesight; its now vision for your life.
To determine your own vision, you must first diagnose yourself. Although advice from others can sometimes help, it is your responsibility to make the final evaluation and determine the applicable prescription. This may cause you to get some questionable looks and comments from those who aren't used to your behavioral changes that are taking place. Don't fret, that just means that your making progress and they're seeing it! Its not a matter of you being arrogant or thinking that your better than the next man; its about you determining your own prescription opposed to wearing the glasses that were prescribed to you by someone else. This is a humbling process yet necessary. Besides, have you tried putting on someones glasses? cant see! Its because their vision isn't your vision. You two don't have the same eye strengths or weaknesses. So ask yourself why do I try to diagnose someones vision? Why allow someone else to diagnose yours? Its Todd with a lil food for thought. "Do not follow where the path may lead, instead go where there is no path and leave a trail."- George Bernard Shaw

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